Thanksgiving & Angels Landing!

This year my family skipped our traditional Thanksgiving camping tradition and went to Grandma and Grandpas house.  My grandma recently had her knee replaced and isn't up for camping just yet.  It was a little weird, because camping is my family's thing!  But, this holiday is about being grateful and it was so great to be with family, and we still cooked out turkey in our little camping, Weber barbecue. 

We did a lot this year that we don't normally do, Black Friday shopping for one-I am not a fan.  We started off at Wal-Mart, which was a complete wreck!  Wonderful Luke stayed at Wal-Mart waiting for a printer for my Grandparents, while the rest of us got out as fast as we could and went to Target.  The comparison to Wal-Mart and Target of Black Friday is like night and day!  As you wait in line out side of Target, the employees walk down the line and pass out maps and granola bars.  Inside the store there were about 300 employees.  Seriously, you couldn't stop for one second without an employee asking if they could assist you!  It was great!  I love Target any day, but Black Friday shopping there was extra amazing!

Probably the highlight of the trip, though, was our little adventure in Zion National Park.  My Dad, Logan, Luke, and I are now champions of Angels Landing!  
"The Angels Landing Trail is one of the most famous and thrilling hikes in the national park system. Zion's pride and joy runs along a narrow rock fin with dizzying drop-offs on both sides. The trail culminates at a lofty perch, boasting magnificent views in every direction. Rarely is such an intimidating path so frequented by hikers. One would think that this narrow ridge with deep chasms on each of its flanks would allure only the most intrepid of hikers. Climbers scale its big wall; hikers pull themselves up by chains and sightseers stand in awe at its stunning nobility. The towering monolith is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the Southwest."

This is a hike that I have ALWAYS wanted to go on-my bucket list! I always knew that it was a very difficult hike and figured that I would need to do some training before even attempting it.  Well, my Dad told us he wanted to go to Zion one morning, so Logan, Luke and I got up, and we left.  We get there and my Dad says that we will be doing Angles Landing, Logan and I just started laughing.  But, Dad was completely serious!  I was completely unprepared for this with my cookie breakfast and converse!  As we started hiking, Logan and I kept saying 'is this really it?'.  The whole trail was paved, nice cool breeze, beautiful scenery.  I can't believe we were being such pansies in the parking lot.  But...then it really started!  Switch backs up to the top of a mountain, and then a chain guided trail with sheer drops on either side.  I thought that it was going to be terrifying, but it was actually one of the coolest hikes I have been on.  It is worth your time.  Stop reading this and go hike it!

It was a great Thanksgiving, and so nice to be with family.  We love you guys!


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