Eight Legged Freaks!

There was the most beautiful spider in our bathroom last week, he would sit on the window sill on a cheetah printed scrubbing brush and just sun bathe…no harm done.  It wasn’t until day three that I realized this beautiful creature to be a bully!
I tried to take a picture of him and the flash must have lit a fuse in his tiny head!  His eight shifty eyes were on me and he started moving his furry, little feelers in a speed to intimidate the toughest of superheroes!   I ran out of the bathroom, closed the door (because spiders are not small enough to fit under door jams) and did not return for hours…needless to say, I really had to pee.  Luke got home and the little guy was gone.
I have yet to see him since that frightening encounter…but I know he could be lurking anywhere!


The Offender 


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