The Living Planet...

Today Luke took me to the AQUARIUM!  I LOVE THE OCEAN!  Anyway, the aquarium was a lot smaller than expected, it kind of looks like a grocery store turned aquarium, but we still got to see a lot of fun stuff.  Okay, so this is going to be a picture crazy post, sorry if it's too much but we had so much fun today!

HUGE blue lobster

Mantis shrimp...isn't that weird looking!?

These guys always make me think of DOUG


Poison dart frogs, beautiful!

This is a Monkey Tree Frog, he looks like a little statue and some
what profound...

Anaconda!  I think this was Luke's favorite

These otters were so much fun!  They were running around and tackling
each other the whole time we were there.

What Luke would look like if he was being
eaten by a shark

What I would look like if I were morfed with an otter...a little creepy
 After the aquarium Luke and I went exploring.  We stopped off at Ikea to look around and play, then we stopped off in Thanksgiving point to see the sights.  There is a petting zoo there!  Pleasant surprise.

tightrope walking chicken

Do you see that back there...and ALBINO PEACOCK!

This goat really wanted some attention

But I didn't want to get to close, these guys are crafty

TINY baby goat!

And his twin...peeing

Peacock again!  Jealous yet Dad?

Goat pupils creep me out...rectangles? 

This cow bench scared me on two accounts!  Every time I turned a corner
there it was, pretending to be a real cow.

Very good advice

There were baby chickens and turkeys!
  The next day was Baby Animal Birthday Party

And to finish off the day...a very ridiculous looking chicken.


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