Jill and Luke got me good! So apparently they had been planning this for weeks, and I had NO idea. In Provo there is a BYU student who rents out puppies. The purpose of this business is to rescue puppies, rent them out, and find a home for them. The people who rent the puppies typically end up adopting the puppies, and so far this girl has a 100% success rate for finding homes for all of the puppies.
Jill sends me a text that says something along the lines of 'hey, my date just cancelled. meet me at the park in 20 minutes' So Luke and I walk to the park (it's practically our backyard) and there is Jill, and behind her is a tiny little puppy! I may or may not have freaked out a little, no one will ever know what really happened. She rented a puppy for me as my Christmas present! I can hardly contain my excitement right now as I type this! The puppies were amazing. The brown and white one is Charley, and the tannish one is Toast. Are they not ADORABLE!?
Thanks Jill, BEST Christmas present EVER! P.S. you are the bestest, puppy or not.
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