Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day!  
Today is a very special post dedicated to my wonderful mom.  She has given me and taught me so much, she will never know how much I truly appreciate her.  To a mom who has taught me how to get dirty, given me the passion for art and creativity, a woman who has shown me the happiness it is to be yourself, who has given me an understanding of compassion and true love for others, a person who has shown me Christ's love in action and who is a constant example of what it is and means to be a true follower of Christ, to a mother who has shown me the beauty and excitement of nature, a mom who supports me and pushes me to be my best, a woman who always indulged in my own crazy ideas and projects, a woman who has given me the excitement for life and taken me on so many adventures, a person who has given me so many wonderful adventures.  The woman who has made me who I am today and who is always showing me who I want to become, a mom with the most patience, love, encouraging and uplifting spirit.  My mom, a women who is more than just my mom but a true best friend and an amazing and talented individual, who let's me talk about anything for as long as I need to or want to, a person who makes me feel so special for even the smallest of accomplishments.  A person who has taken such a deep interest in me and my wants.  This is the woman whom I strive to be, who I look to for guidance, and who I love with all of my heart.  

My mom is more than I could ever ask for. I love you Mom!


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