San Diego! 'wedding addition'

The real reason we went down to California was to go to Jill and Alex's wedding!  Luke and I love Jill so much.  We have become best friends since we have moved to Utah, and it has been so much fun to watch Jill and Alex grow together.  It was also so much fun to hang out with the Markhams' again!  We have missed them SO much!
We had a really great time playing ultimate Frisbee on the beach *p.s. we kicked Alex's butt, no big deal*, get our nails done, and just party!  This day was also really special for Luke and I because this is the same temple that we got married in just a little over two and a half years ago.  We also had to same Temple Sealer!  This is a gorgeous Temple, and we are so lucky and grateful that we got to be there to witness Jill and Alex be sealed together forever and establish their eternal family.  We love you guys!


  1. Nice post! This venue looks like one of the venues in Chicago where I got married 10 years ago. I have always liked such places a lot, i.e. why I got married there. Congratulations to the couple! I am sure it would have been fun because San Diego is a really good place.


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