It's a new year...well, kinda

It has been a long week.  I have been sick all week, but us mamas don't get a break when we are sick.  Today, though, Luke is home and we went on a walk through our local arboretum.  Truman loves it because there is dirt, and sticks, and leaves, and wildlife everywhere.  I love it because I can let him run and be a boy with no restrictions.  Walking back toward the car Luke said something very special to me.  He told me that I was an amazing mom, he told me that I was the best mom for our little boy.  He asked me "Do you ever feel like you don't accomplish anything because you are a Mom?"  Yes, I replied, everyday.  Then he looked at Truman and said, "This is your greatest accomplishment".
That was what I really needed in that moment, I din't even realize had badly I needed that but I'm sure that my Heavenly Father knew I did.  I do feel unaccomplished most days, and it's a struggle because being a Mom is my most favorite thing in the whole world!  Truman is always my number one priority and I try to do everything I can for that little guy.

But, often times I get a little down.  As a mother you don't get a lot of recognition for what you do all day, and you don't always notice the progress you are making.  I feel like I am unaccomplished because I am focusing on the wrong things.  I tend to focus on crafts that I don't have time to complete, or new skills that I want to work on but am constantly getting interrupted, I get overwhelmed by the things that I didn't do that day and the things that I want to do but know I won't have the luxury of doing with a toddler at my side.
Then, I have little moments of clarity like I did today.  Truman is my accomplishment, he is my calling and my blessing.  Everything I do, it is because of him.  This year has been so crazy for me from being so far from family, exploring a new stated, adoption paperwork, pregnancy, miscarriage, infertility, small business planning, church callings, etc.  It has been a beautiful and blessed year, but it has been overwhelming and has had struggles.  But over and over again I have had moments of the Lord showing me what is important.

It is a new year, and with that people tend to make resolutions.  I love making resolutions and setting goals for myself.  I often fail, but the beautiful thing about that is starting over again with a new strength and conviction.  This year I have been thinking of ways to help myself be a better me and there have been a few things weighing on my mind.  One thing I am going to commit to doing is blogging more often, I forgot how much I love it.  I want a place where I can share my struggles and my accomplishments.  I want a place where I can be open and honest with myself and others, share my struggles and brag about my beautiful little boy.  I want a place just for me but hopefully a place where I can help uplift others.  This post is not a pity party, this post is a starting point, it is a progress check.  So, if you are put for it, please join me on my journey through 2017.


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